Tips for Promoting Your Energy Healing Practice on Twitter

It seems as if everyone has a Twitter account. Do you?

You’ve already heard me talk about how important it is to set up your business accounts on Facebook and Pinterest, yet, have you considered using Twitter to promote your business?

With only 140 characters to get your thoughts across, Twitter makes you be clear and to the point. That’s good because most of us prefer to skim and click only what interests us.

Use the short ‘text-bytes’ of Twitter to create a social media presence that instantly get you and your healing practiced noticed.

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Using Twitter for Your Healing Practice

The great thing about Twitter is that it helps you quickly connect with others and get word out about your services, ideas, and infografic instantly.

In order to build a following you’ll need to post tweets that like-minded people will want to follow. Here are three great tips to get you noticed and followed on Twitter:

  1. Listen more than you tweet.
    Greek Philosopher Epictetus said it best: “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” This is sage advice whether you’re new or a seasoned pro.The first step in learning how to use Twitter for your practice is to start following people who are similar to you in energetic practice and philosophy. If you are a Reiki practitioner, then follow other Reiki practitioners. If your specialty is Therapeutic Touch, then follow others that are doing that same thing.To find out who is tweeting what, use Twitter Search. This way, you’ll see what people are tweeting about and decide whom to follow.Once you start following them, listen to what they’re talking about and comment on what they’re saying. Support their ideas. Answer their tweet questions. By listening and engaging in what they’re saying, they will take interest and follow you, in turn.

  3. Chat with people, not sell.
    Twitter is often described as a virtual water cooler.Imagine standing around it chatting with like-minded people. Everyone is sharing, smiling and laughing. Then, a stranger walks up, changes the topic and launches into a sales pitch. That’s a big turn off and a ‘no-no’ if you want to build a following for your practice on Twitter.The goal on Twitter is to talk and share – not to redirect conversation. They’ll get interest in your ideas, services, and products without you having to give them a hard sell.

  5. Tweet helpful topics and be approachable.
    Keep in mind that you’re building a following for your healing practice. As an energy healer you want to be seen as someone that’s approachable. That will have answers to questions.You’ll want to make sure that your tweets aren’t perceived as ads that only benefit and promote your practice. Offer people something that’s helpful and informational. Then, make sure you comment on their tweets and answer their questions.Helpful people are people others want to talk with.

Like any other social media platform, the more you put into and spend time on Twitter, the more rewarding you’ll find it. Twitter is an excellent marketing tool for your energy healing practice, just keep the above three tips in mind.


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