Five More Ways Energy Healers Boost Productivity

Sweet Time
Here are five more things that the energy healers I surveyed said they do to boost their productivity:

1. They find a way to love what they do.

Energy healers know that if they love what they do then they are more apt to be productive because they are fully engaged. No matter what they’re doing at any given time, they find a way to love doing it.

2. They follow the axiom, “If in doubt, throw it out.”

Productive energy healers make liberal use of their waste can and recycle bin by regularly going through files and shredding material that is outdated or no longer relevant. There is no need to save everything “just in case”. Trust that if you throw something out today and later need it, you’ll attract it back into your life.

3. They break up projects into tasks.

If they have something on their ‘to do’ list that’s been there for a long time, productive energy healers are quick to realize that it’s probably not a task. It’s a project. ‘To do lists’ are for short, quick to complete, tasks. Projects are bigger and take more time. That’s why it’s best to break down projects into tasks.

Several of the energy healers I surveyed said they use Brian Tracy’s method for breaking up projects into easy-to-do tasks:

• First, list the finished result they want.
• Next, map out every single step of the project.
• Then, put the steps into order, moving the important steps to the front.
• Now, delegate tasks and assign responsibilities.
• Finally, track the progress of the project.

4. They give 80% of their attention to what is important and 20% to what is urgent.

As a productive energy healer your job is to sort out what’s important from what’s urgent. To figure out the difference between the two, ask yourself, “Will focusing on this move my energy healing practice forward and make me money or will I just be putting out fires?”

Dealing with the urgent all day is draining. Dealing with the important is energizing. Make sure you’re giving 80% of your time and attention to what’s important each day.

5. They focus on one thing at a time.

The number one thing energy healers do to boost productivity is… focus on one thing at a time.

Although energy healers are known to be exceptional multi-taskers, those surveyed said they were able to get more done when they focused on one thing at a time. Starting and stopping in the middle of things was frustrating for them and meant that not much was completed at day’s end.

Boosting your productivity helps with all areas of an energy healer’s life. It helps you reduce stress, energizes you, and gives you more time in your day. Which on this list would you like to do first? One of my favorites is to focus on what’s important rather than running around like a mad woman putting our fires all day!

I’d love to hear from you. What are you doing to boost your productivity?

Yes You Can! Empowers Energy Healers To Put Themselves Forward In Their Communities By Starting Up Healing Practices. For In Doing So, Not Only Will More People Find The Healing They Need, Our Communities And Our Relationship With The Natural World Will Also Be Healed.

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